Agualente Water Borne Pre-Cat Clear Lacquer is a technically advanced self-sealing,
easy sanding, one-component coating for interior wood surfaces. Its new technology provides
trouble-free application as well as a beautiful appearance, mirroring its solvent-based counterparts
pre-catalyzed lacquer. Agualente is ideal for kitchen, bath or general interior use and delivers
the high performance finish you expect from M.L. Campbell.

Agualente Offers Unique Advantages:agualente
• No measuring provides trouble-free use
• GREENGUARD Certified
• Totally HAPs free
• Low in VOC – under 100 grams per liter
• Shelf life is 1 year
• Low odor

• Available in Dull, Satin or Gloss
• Formaldehyde free
• Exceptional film build
• Excellent adhesion on both closed and open grain substrates
• Mar and scratch resistant
• Quick dry to sand and recoat times
• Increased production from fast pack and stack times
• Ready to spray and easy to apply with any equipmentGreenguard

Agualente Test And Performance Characteristics:
Agualente has undergone rigorous quality testing to verify
performance and application characteristics. The M.L.
Campbell laboratory has formulated Agualente to meet or
exceed the required performance level established by KCMA
for finishes. Agualente meets the AWI finishing standard for
pre-catalyzed lacquers. Agualente has been tested utilizing
the following ASTM and KCMA test methods: 5 = Excellent,
4 = Very Good, 3 = Good, 2 = Fair, 1 = Poor.

Print Resistance
Purpose: Test the ability of the finish to be print-resistant.
No print after 24-hour dry time. Agualente has an Excellent
rating of 5.

Hot And Cold Check Resistance
Purpose: Test the ability of the finish to withstand hot and cold
cycles for prolonged periods. Passes 20 cycles. Agualente has
an Excellent rating of 5.

Cross Hatch
Purpose: Test the ability of the finish to adhere to various
substrates and/or finishes. Agualente has an Excellent rating of 5.

Purpose: Test the ability of the finish to withstand any finish
defects from stacking or packing. Agualente has an Excellent
rating of 5.

Wet Heat Resistance
Purpose: Test the ability of the finish to withstand high heat
for long periods. Agualente has a Very Good rating of 4.

Edge Soak
Purpose: Test a coating’s ability to perform in relation to a
coated cabinet door’s resistance to detergent and water.
Agualente has an Excellent rating of 5.

Source: M.L. Campbell

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