Titebond Wood Glues: Product and Application Technical Guide III

Questions & Answers

What Is The Difference Between Type I & Type II Water-resistance?
Both of these tests are conducted using 6″ x 6″ birch laminates glued together
to make three-ply plywood. The test for Type I is clearly more stringent than
Type II, and involves boiling the glue bonds and testing the specimens while
they are wet.

Type I testing involves cutting the 6″ X 6″ assemblies into 1″ x 3″ specimens,
boiling them for 4 hours, then baking the specimens in a 145°F oven for 20
hours. They are boiled for an additional 4 hours, then immediately cooled using
running water. The specimens are then sheared while still wet, and the bond must
pass certain strength and wood failure requirements to pass the Type I specification.

Type II testing involves cutting the 6″ X 6″ assemblies into 2″ x 5″ specimens,
soaking them for 4 hours, then baking the specimens in a 120°F oven for 19
hours. This is repeated for a total of three cycles, and the bond must not
delaminate to pass the Type II specification.

Are Titebond Glues Safe To Use?
Yes. Titebond Wood Glues are non-toxic, solvent free and produce no harmful
fumes. Titebond III Ultimate and Titebond II Premium Wood Glues have even
been approved for indirect food contact. We do recommend wearing gloves
when working with Titebond Polyurethane Glue; not only will it stain your skin,
but repeated use of the product without gloves increases your exposure. This
could cause irritation or lead to a sensitivity to those types of products.

How Do I Clean Up Wet Glue Or Remove Dried Glue?
For most of our wood glues, it is often best to use a damp cloth and remove
excess glue before it has dried. After the glue has dried, scraping or sanding
works well. When wet, Titebond Polyurethane Glue may be removed with
acetone, but it is much easier to chip off the foam after the glue has cured.

Can Titebond Wood Glues Be Used After They Have Been Frozen?
Yes. While freezing is not recommended, extensive testing indicates that the
glues can be frozen and thawed up to five times without compromising
performance. If your glue has been frozen, let it acclimate to room temperature
and shake/stir to original form.

How Do I Read The Lot Numbers?
The first character in the lot number stands for the last number of the year that
the glue was manufactured. The second character is always a letter, ranging
from A to M. We do not use “I” because it resembles a “1”. These twelve letters
correspond to the twelve months of the year. The rest of the numbers in the lot
number are for internal tracking purposes. Therefore, a product with the lot
number 4C5268 was manufactured in March 2004.

What Happens If The Glue Tip Becomes Clogged?
Remove the cap from the glue bottle and pull up on the transparent tip until it
snaps off. Clean both the colored cap and the transparent tip using warm water.
Once cleaned, snap the transparent tip back onto the colored base and screw
the cap back onto the glue bottle.

Can Titebond Wood Glues Be Thinned?
Yes. Most of our wood glues can be thinned with water up to 5% by weight or
volume. Adding more than 5% water to our glues could negatively affect the
bond strength. Titebond Polyurethane and Titebond Liquid Hide Glues can be
thinned by carefully heating the bottle in a pan of warm water.

Source: Titebond
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